Tuesday, 4 September 2012

It's been a productive few weeks!

Over the last eight years I've managed to encompass 5 different dress sizes (!), so I've finally got around to (i.e. been forced into) having a sort out of my old clothes.

So far, I have managed to sort them into:

  • keep - wear, 
  • keep - modify, then wear, 
  • keep - scrap it for fabric, 
  • charity shop, and finally, 
  • the hysterical crying and shouting at my husband: "Don't make me get rid of that, it's got sentimental value! *sob!*" category. Ok, perhaps more a steely glare than hysterical crying, but you get the idea. 

Weirdly, I'm always thinking about getting rid of my wedding dress. It's big, meringuey, and takes up a lot of space; and lets face it, I have no intention of wearing it again. My husband, on the other hand, can't understand why I'd want to do that.

Anyway, I have one particular dress which I've never worn, a pink babydoll dress which is ridiculously low cut; it certainly wasn't designed for my pair of melons! So, I'm looking for a crochet edging pattern which I can make about 10/12 inches of, and sew inside the bustline as a sort of "modesty panel", the idea being that I can wear it without looking like a butch hooker in a dress. (Yep, I can hear you laughing. Thanks for helping with the pain.)

So, if any of you on your internet travels sees something that would fit the bill, I'd be more than grateful if you'd pass the link onto me for my perusal.



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